HTML Reading Response

What did the standards of the w3c provide?

The standards of the World Wide Web Consortium provided a sense of consistency in the process of designing websites.  This made it easier for web designers to make a complex page and feel reassured that it would work properly on different browsers and operating systems.

What are some general guidelines for great markup?

There are seven main guidelines for a great markup.  The first is to use a DOCTYPE.  This identifies what markup language you are using to your browsers and the users.  The second is to specify a language/character set.  This marks your page with a particular language so that it doesn’t get translated a bunch of nonsense.  The third is to title your page.  This makes sure that your page will be titled in a browser or in a bookmark so that it isn’t just another generic page.  Fourth, users must use the proper elements.  This means that you use the right HTML for the right part of your page.  For example, you do not want your header to actually have your footer in it because it can easily cause confusion when trying to fix or change something in the long run.  The fifth thing is to avoid div-itis.  This means do not overuse the div or span tags when there is something more proper to use in its place.  This jumps back to using the proper elements as well.  The sixth thing is to minimize markups.  This relates to the last two guidelines in saying use only what you need and minimize the extra fluff that could cause slow downloads and huge files.  The last guideline is  to use class and id appropriately.  If you use an id on something that will be used over and over again, you are going to have to make more and more ids and adding unnecessary fluff to your page.  Instead you use a class and you only need one to do the exact same thing.

What are the benefits of standards?

Standards have many benefits.  One benefit is that standards help to make smaller files and therefore quicker downloads.  Another benefit of standards is that it increases portability. Css standards have specifications for different media types such as phones or computers.  This changes the look of the page based on the media type and makes it work more efficiently for that specific media.  A third benefit to standards is better accessibility.  With so many new browsers popping up its difficult to stay current, but with standards its like a “one-size-fits-all” kinda thing where your page will work on almost any of the new browsers available just because of the standards.  Lastly, standards lead to precise control.   With the Css standards, you can position things anywhere you want and make them look just the way you want with precise control over your page.