Review #3

For review number three I choose to look at the website for Azul Bar Y Cantina. The website fits the home style restaurant that it is. Besides the main photo being pixelated it is very easy to use and has some very cool artwork for their banner.

I also chose to compare Azul’s website to the website No. 9 park. I did this because both of the websites are closely related. Even though No. 9 Park website’s layout is better that Azul’s. Azul has more emphasis using a darker blue background contrasted to a bright yellow and white fonts.

No. 9 Park has a better all around website in my opinion, because of how the logo, photos, information, and navigation bar are all closely related in color and size.  They also use a softer and less eye popping blue for text. No. 9 park is much better at grabbing my attention because of how it looks more professional and put together. The color scheme and font speak to a higher level than Azul’s website does for me.