Terms and Conditions May Apply

It is really scary to think that I myself have agreed to terms and conditions and things that I really had no idea what they were about. I have never actually sat down and read those. As they said in the video, really no one has actually read them, even the person writing them really has not. That was an obvious joke but it really made me think what I was really agreeing to when I enter a website. Sooner than later, they are going to have you agreeing to terms and conditions practically without you even knowing that you are. One fact that caught my eye during the video was that “250 billion dollars was lost in a year due to what was written in print.” That is an insane amount of money we are talking about here. Another thing that caught my eye was about Instagram. On Instagram terms and conditions it says that they can sell your photos. I have an Instagram and I did not know that they could take any of my photos and actually sell them without telling me, but they can. It is in their terms and conditions policy that I clearly did not read. I never really understood what “cookies” were on the internet until this video. Which makes sense to me why I will be on Facebook and an advertisement for EXPRESS shopping store will pop up. I online shop a lot and it makes sense why most of the ads that are shown are fashion related. It is crazy to me that the internet knows so much about me, more than half of the people that I know based upon my searches online. It really makes me think, “Do I really have privacy?” I don’t believe privacy exist in this world today. There are many reasons why I think that. First off, our safety. Safety comes first in America and well honestly, I agree with it. The internet is a different world. Some people believe that if you post something and delete it, it is gone forever. Meanwhile, it is there and will ALWAYS be there, you just cannot see it yourself. Is our personal data worth that much to the government? Yes. I think the more they know about people the easier it is for them to keep us safe. The kind of world we live in today is a world where anything can happen at any time. The more the know I think is better off for us. I don’t believe we will ever have privacy on the internet or using any kind of technology device. I think if you want privacy you need to stay off technology, stay off the internet and do things to old fashion way. TALK!! That is something that us humans do not seem to know how to do anymore. The internet has really taken over the world and it is most definitely not a private world.