Objectified Response

Listen to what they say about what good design is:

Good design is simple, understandable, clear, and pleasing. It makes people think, “of course it is that way.” It’s making something that becomes of deeper meaning. There was a speaker in the video that used the example of, “the chair dad sat in.” This is the job of designers.

What is a designer’s purpose today? What is their job?

Designers need to make sure the things they make are clear and understandable. Designing is the search for form nowadays. It is about making stuff that people want to buy. In addition, things aren’t forever and companies want lots of new ideas. Designers need to ask themselves, “Am I making something that is a change?”

What should designers do?

Designers should make one thing do multiple things. They need to create an environment where others feel comfortable. Designers should think about what is going to happen, not what has happened already. Design with this in mind: would you buy this?

Do you agree/disagree with any of their statements?

I agree with making things simple and efficient. I believe this goes hand and hand with a really good user experience. I agree that things should feel better with use, as the product is being worn in.

Did they say anything that changes your view on design?

It really got me thinking when the man said about things being extremely hard to design that get better with use. Also, early in the movie a speaker said about worrying about extremities of whatever you are designing, and the middle ground will be taken care of automatically. This was honestly the exact opposite of what I thought designers would do. Additionally, the comment of good design being as little design as possible was a new thought to me.

What is design?

My definition of design is having ideas to improve daily life without users thinking about it.