Game review (salad game)

Was it fun?

Yes this game was fun

What were the player interactions?

We had to pass the cards around and pick which salad item we wanted. There were bonus cards to switch hands with other players, take two cards etc.

How long did it take to learn?

This game was easy to learn, I just got confused on how to add up points at the end

Would you play it again?

Yes i would play this again

What are the collaborative and or competitive aspects of the game?

There aren’t many collaborative aspects of this game, mostly just competing and strategizing to get the best salad in order to get the most points.

What is the game’s metaphor and which of the game’s mechanics standout?

The games metaphors is to build a salad. You can choose one color, which corresponds with a recipe to get bonus points if you finish the whole recipe. I liked the cards and how. Each player picked a number that corresponds to the dice roll and who gets to choose out of the playing hand first.