Evelyn: Builder Buccaneer v.1 Review

Fun and interesting concept. Here are some thoughts to consider in future iterations:

Players were definitely frustrated and argued over who won and what constituted a “better built ship.” In order to prevent arguing, perhaps clearly define what you want the final product to look like. It might help to have a player judge as well.

Consider blueprint designs. That could be cool. Colored-coded pieces on the instructions?

Please include enough piece reference for every player.

I would consider the mechanic of choosing a blueprint. Perhaps its a pile of unidentified difficulties and it’s luck and randomized how hard the blueprint is. Or maybe define who picks first (ex: whoever won last time).

Game right now: chaotic, tension-building, creative

3 Replies to “Evelyn: Builder Buccaneer v.1 Review”

  1. While I didn’t play, this game sounds interesting. It reminds me of a Lego building game I had growing up. I found it helpful to look at the rules of other games in prototyping my game so that might be worth looking into, in addition to Evelyn’s thoughts.

  2. Yeaaa…Players arguing over who won wasn’t a problem I expected, but a problem that will be fixed.

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