Card game ideas-experimental game design


Trash layout-reverse trash idea. So when playing you would actually be playing trash on your opponents deck. You can then take the last card from their trash session and use it in your own pile. But a card is not guaranteed-since you already may have that card. If so you discard that card and move on with the game.  


Inspired by a world war 1/2 card game this game will have part of a maps instead of a Jack queen etc. the goal is to make your entire map but in the form of a spoons game. So it’s fast paced and you take only what you think you need. The first person to finish must sneakily take a token or whatever from the middle of the table without anyone noticing. The last to grab the token looses. 

#3 pop culture 

There will be a card master who will then choose a movie scene or meme and the players must decide where it is from. It can be played in either teams or individually. Kinda like it’s not who wants to be a millionaire it’s the other one


there will be food cards that correspond to the number of players in the center. A player is assigned a food card and must ask players like go fish for ingredients to make their food card. The player could lie about having a card and you may have to call their bs. If you are wrong you must give that person one of your cards and must draw one from a pile. Outside friend players will have to guess the rules. They won’t be given. 


it’s a zombie apocalypse game. In this game you cards that vary in worthiness. Some supply cards are more abundant and some are more scarce. You will be given a zombie opponent each battle which is your actual opponent in the game. The supplies on their card is the supplies you need to kill them. The first to kill their zombie wins. 

5 One-Sentence Game Ideas

Battle for Earth is a board game in which Earthens and aliens fight for control of all the regions of Earth by collecting resource cards, using their resources to invade regions controlled by the opposing side, and using their resources to fend off invasions of their own territory.

Societal Advancement is a card game in which players compete to build the most advanced society by strategically choosing cards of different categories to collect each round, and building upon cards of the same category to gain points.

Around the World in 8 Turns is a board game in which sailing captains attempt to be the first to circumnavigate the globe by rolling dice to move, collecting resources, and using those resources to either navigate around obstacles or place obstacles in front of opponents.

Miss Popularity is a board game where high schoolers fight to become Homecoming Queen by rolling dice in order to move across the popularity board, and choosing between safe cards or gamble cards that could move them faster or set them back.

Witchcraft is a board game in which witches attempt to become the most powerful witch in the land while avoiding detection by the townsfolk through traveling across the board to collect resources, using those resources to cast spells to gain power points but lose detection points, and using resources to cast spells that take away an opponent’s detection points.

Game Ideas 2/11

Game 1:

Players will combine cards and try to get the most points before the cards run out. Players move clockwise, picking up cards, creating different combinations and getting different point values. Once the cards are gone, the round is over. An Ace can pair with any card to get 10 points. 2 and 3 pair to get 3 points. 4 and 5 pair to get 5 points. 6 and 7 pair to get 8 points. 8 and 9 pair to get 10 points. 10 and Jack pair to get 15 points. Queen and King pair to get 15 points. Two Ace cards get 30 points, and doubles of any cards give you 10 points. 

A card game where players combine cards and receive points, trying to have the highest point amount before cards run out.

Game 2:

A drinking game where players roll a dice and move the shot according to the dice value. The game is between 2 players, but can have as many teams as you want. The person who rolled the higher value gets to move the shot towards the other player’s side. Start with the drink in the center and it eventually ends on one player’s side. 

A drinking game where players roll a dice to move a shot closer to the other players side so that they’ll have to take it.

Game 3:

Players pick 1 card and roll 1 dice and then determine points based on the pair. You first pick a card then roll the dice. If you pick a card that is 2,3,4,5, you need to roll a 6 in order to get +1 point. If you pick a card that is 6,7,8,9,10, you need to roll a 4,5,6 to get a +1. If you pick a Jack, Queen, King, or Ace you get +1, regardless of your dice roll, but if you roll a 1, you don’t get a point. First to 10 points, wins.

A card and dice game where players combine card and dice values to gain points and be the first to reach 10 points.

Game 4:

2 players pick a card and reveal the card face up, seeing who got the higher card. The higher card gets to keep the lower value card. If both players have the same values, just reveal another card. Each player starts with half the deck each. You want to end with all the cards, and the other player with none. 

A card game where two players pick and reveal their cards, gaining or losing cards, trying to gain all the cards and get all the other players out.

Game 5:

Players roll 2 dice and want to get to a combined value of 8 or higher. If you can’t get to 8 points, you get no points. Rolling a value of 8 or higher, gives you 1 point. If you roll a combined value of 12, you get 2 points. The first person to 20 points, wins. 

A dice game where players roll a dice, hoping for high values in order to gain points and ultimately reach 20 points first. 

Week 2 Card Game Ideas

  • Cards are numbered and can only have 7 at a time. Idea is to have the added up total the highest. You can also get cards that allow to steal randomly or selectively. Game goes 7 rounds total.
  • Card game of mad libs where each card has a word/phase and must take turns piecing together a story.
  • Separate into two teams. It’s a hockey card game where there are cards like pass, shoot, save, etc. The goal is to score the most times. You do that by placing down a shoot card and it not being saved. Go until cards run out.
  • Red wire Blue Wire. Game where you have red and blue defusers. When a bomb is drawn it will determine which defused works.
  • Geoguesser AR game. Game where there are cards in locations throughout the world. You must guess where you are on map. Correct continent gives points and correct country gives more. Correct area of country even more.

5 Game Ideas – Card Games

Battle of the Gods

This is a greek mythology based card game where each player commands its own army. Each of the cards contain a different god and with that comes an ability. Each player starts with a set number of cards and must use those cards to fight the other player’s army. Depending on the cards in hand the gameplay may change. This is war so there are also various cards that you can play at any time within the round. The goal is to be the last person standing on the battlefield.

Don’t Hesitate

This is a fast paced game of matching similar cards. The goal of the game is to get rid of all your cards from smallest to largest. Each player gets 5 cards. A draw pile is placed in the center of the players. A round of gameplay is started when the dealer turns over the top card of the draw pile. Players then quickly jump in to discard cards of matching number or icon. If you play a wrong card you must draw 2 from the draw pile. The player must discard all of their cards to win. Hesitating in this game can cause you to lose.

Make Believe

This is a card game that revolves around the world of a child’s imagination. The goal of this game is to be able to peacefully go to sleep. Players are given a card that represents the level of their imagination. During each round players can play various cards to ruin the sleep of other people or defend themselves depending on the cards they have in hand. Some cards are themed “monster under the bed” or “the floor is lava”. The first person to get their imagination level to 0 wins.


This is a game purely about college students and the pain of student debt. There are debt cards and there are life cards. Players each are dealt 5 debt cards. Each player starts out with $30,000 in debt. Players take turns either using a debt card to sabotage another student or drawing a life that could reduce their own debt. The player that brings their own debt down to $0 wins.

The 7 Seas

This is a pirate based game. There are 7 rounds of gameplay winning each round awards you one step closer to finding the treasure. Players start with 5 cards each, each card contains a different set of rules or gameplay. Players during each turn can play cards to sabotage other pirates. A person is out of the round if they can not play any of their cards. Last pirate standing wins that round and is one token closer to the treasure. The goal of the game is to collect all of the tokens necessary to find the buried treasure.

Game Review and Ideas Week 2


In my group, myself and Nico already knew how to play Star Flux so that made Act One of then game play process go quickly. In this game, Each player takes turns drawing and playing card from their hands in order to fulfill the goal and win the game. However, there’s a catch. Each player has the opportunity to change the rules of the game as it progresses. You can change the draw requirements, the play limits, and even what the goal is in order to win the game. A first the game was slow. Some of the cards took some thought to understand and remember how they are played, but after about 10 minutes, the pace picked up a little. The two rounds we played were won in the same way, which was really funny. There’s a card with a little alien puppy on it that passes between the players after each turn. One of the goals was to have two of the three requirements, and the puppy was one of them. After the puppy was played it was only a matter of time before the other alien card was played with the respective goal in play.

The second game we played was was Bang!. None of us had played this game before so Act One of learning how to play took longer. Each player receives a secret role and. character card with special abilities. The outlaws want to try to kill the sherif, the sherif and their deputies want to try and kill the outlaws and the renegade wants to try to kill and become the sherif before the outlaws get to the sherif. Over all the game was easy to get used to, but some of the cards left us a little confused as to when to play them or what to do when it was played. Depending on how you play your cards, Act two can take a while, or the game can be finished quickly.

Overall, both these games were really fun to play and I would recommend them to anyone who likes a good strategy game.

Game Ideas

Prosperous: Each player receives starting cards to build their town. The game moves along until someone completes their town to win. The catch in that there is one person who is supposed to be cheating during the round (depending on the amount of players there can be one or more). The cheater can either try to win the game, or sabotage the other players to make the game longer. Each player role has a set of rules they have to follow in order to win depending on their role. The players can win by either completing their town, or figuring out who the cheater is. The cheater can win by either finishing their town, or making the game last x amount of minutes.

???: Battle Royale card game. Each player builds a team and then tests it to see how well it does in battle. The players have a variety of cards to choose from and they won’t know what their opponent has until the battle starts.

Otaku Royale: (This one’s for all the anime lovers out there) Each player picks a role at random at the beginning of the round that corresponds with a different anime. The players go back and and forth in either a debate or duel. If the players choose debate then they have to convince the other players why that anime is best then the other. The winner of that battle moves onto the next battle in a bracket style tournament (decided at random in the beginning of the game). If they choose to duel then each card will have a number on it. The higher number wins. There will also be special exception cards in duel mode.

???: Players lay x amount of cards (normal playing cards) out in a pattern on the table. Each player then takes turns rolling an object down the table towards the cards, and try to land on the cards. Whatever card the object lands on, the player collects. At the end of the round, each player adds up the numbers on the cards, and the hight number wins.

???: Dominos meets Scrabble. There are to two letters on each end of the card and the players have to put the letters together to create words. The more words the player completes the more points they earn. They can continue off of existing letters of create new words in another direction.

5 game ideas-social distancing theme + game review

1)2020: players will start at different corners of the board and will pick cards that corresponding to a 2020 event. The event card will have a number of steps going back and forward based on the event. The first person to get to the center loses. The person wants to stay as close to their corner due to social distancing. It’s 2020 6 feet apart people.

2) We’re Out!: players will have four cards in their hand and will have to ask others for a certain supply card. The player has to find all four of the supply card. A social distancing card can take place of a supply card. The person who gets all of the same supplies wins.

3) Anti- maskers: players must stay away from the anti maskers as they deny or play out scenario cards. These cards would have scenarios on them that would keep you away or closer to the anti masker(plastic piece not tag) depending on the scenario. The way you answer the scenario will either make you win or loose.

4)Socially Distant: Players are provided images with and must come up with a caption that is the funniest. The head masker will choose the answer and after five rounds the person chosen the most wins.

5)Infection!: players must infects with others with an infection card( cough cough covid-19) the first person to get the infection card is out for the next round and must give it to another person. The person who has gotten the infection card the most looses.

GAME REVIEW: Love Letter+Zombie Fluxx

Love letter was the easiest to learn after playing Zombie Fluxx. The game was much more simpler and was way faster. I liked the design of the game and how cute it was. I have not played a game where I had an actual target. The word target actually being put on the card itself. That was new. Overall I had a better experience with this game.

Zombie Fluxx:

No. My brain hurt trying to figure out that game especially in the beginning. After a while of playing I got used to it but it was something that I had never experienced before. I’m not sure if it’s something I want to play again. I like easy going games and this just had to make me think much more than I was prepared to. It did get exciting at times or you knew another player was going to win looking down at the cards on the table. Overall it was eventually enjoyable but not something I would willing play again at 10 am.

Week 3 Card Game Ideas

Madisyn Kovach

Idea 1: Will you say yes to the rose? (Inspired by the bachelor and Apples to Apples)

During this game, everyone will start with 7 black cards that have certain men’s names on them that have been on the bachelor. During every round, one person will be in charge of laying down a “Rose Card”. On the rose card, it will state a personality/trait. (For example: A man with the best hair.) You must lay down a black card on top of the rose. Whoever was in charge of laying down that rose will chose the best option. Whoever wins receives a rose. You must have seven roses to win the game.

Idea 2: Type

Ten cards will be dealt out at the beginning of this game. Each card will consist of a different letter in a different typeface. During this game, You must try to make out as many words possible with the same or most similar typeface. Depending on how many letters your word has matches how many points you will earn. After going around in your circle and picking up a letter, you must throw one of you cards into a trash pile. You can always build off of previous words. Whoever creates enough words that equal thirty points first will win.

Idea 3: Who’s the Artist? (Off Old Maid)

This game involves matching, pairing, and knowing artists. The standard 52-card pack is included with different artists/their works featured. When getting a match of artists, before laying them down, you must say their name and a piece of art that they have created, if you fail, you must discard those two cards into the discard pile and pick up 1 new card. Who ever ends up with the most matches at the end wins.

Idea 4: Follow me on Instagram

You will be given 7 cards with different memes on them. One person will be in charge of laying down a “Profile” card. That profile card will show a persons name and their instagram bio. When you see that profile, you have to pick a card from your seven options that you think will be their first instagram post. The person that laid down the name and bio card will get to chose the funniest card. Whoever gets the most “likes” at the end wins.

Idea 5: And they were roommates?

Max players would be six people. The game will come with 52 questions and 6 white boards, markers, and erasers. During this game, someone will lay down a card with a “Most likely” comment. (Ex: Most likely to dye their hair randomly). Everyone will have to write down who they think would be most likely to do that. On the count of three, everyone must turn their boards around, whoever’s name gets written the most will receive two points and if it’s a tie between 2 people, you will both get one point. At the end of the 52 cards, whoever has the most points wins. This is a test to see how all roommates think about each other.

Five Card Games

Rule of Planets: A game that is Catan meets Monopoly in space.  Players are each seeking to expand a galactic empire by spreading to different planets.  They’ll have resource cards and have to trade them in to travel to different planets, and then use cards to build a base there.  From there, a planet might give certain bonus cards to use in the future.  For example, a player might play four rocket fuel cards to get to Pluto, play four construction cards to build a base there, and get a bonus of an extra rocket fuel card on each of their subsequent turns.  There are a finite number of planets to conquer, and the player that has conquered the most in the end wins.

Matching Sets: In this game, players want to get as many matching sets of cards as possible.  They start out with a deck of a certain length.  Each player’s turn, that player has to choose one card to sacrifice, and all the other players pick up two of that card type.

Genetic engineering: In this game, the players are genetic engineers.  They are collecting cards in order to become the most powerful genetic engineer.  There are three types of cards.  There are tech cards (which will offer different point values at the end of the game), order cards (in which you can sacrifice several specified cards to get points at the end of the game) and funding cards (which are used to purchase tech cards.) Tech cards fall into three categories: basic (things like brown hair or brown eyes), advanced (things like natural disease immunity or excellent memory) and mutations (things like claws, see-in-the-dark eyes, gills, etc.)  An order card might ask for a black hair card, a brown eyes card, and a gills card.

Time Travel Team: In this game, players are time travelers.  Their goal is to fill their time travel team/ship with different figures and artifacts from history before the rest of the players.  They do this by playing cards to travel to certain locations, and then playing additional cards to either recruit historical figures to their side or collect famous artifacts.

Gemstone game: In this game, the players are gemstone entrepreneurs. They collect gemstone cards and after a certain amount is collected, can ‘sell’ the gemstones in the form of jewelry for money.  They need to collect a certain amount of cards of a gemstone in order to ‘trademark’ it. Trademarking it means that the other players can no longer ‘sell’ those gemstones for money and can only trade them with other players.  The player with the most money at the end of the game wins.

card game ideas

1. Tic Tac Toe

Each person has a deck of cards and they put 9 cards out in front of them. If they don’t have tic tac toe, they draw a card and can replace any one of the nine cards. Once someone gets tic tac toe, they collect the cards and replace them with cards from the deck. Whoever has the most matches at the end of the game wins.

2. Deal all the cards out to everyone playing. Once you put down all of the matches, the game starts. Each player passes one card to their right. Whoever runs out of cards first wins.

3. Guess Who

Each person has a deck of cards in front of them and has one card as their ‘person.’ Each player takes turns asking if the ‘person’ has a certain quality – i.e. if it is a spade. If it is a spade, the other person flips over all of the cards that aren’t a spade. Whoever can guess the other player’s ‘person’  first wins.

4. Run

Each person starts off my putting 5 cards down. They then take turns drawing a card and replacing one of the original 5. Whoever gets a run first – i.e. 2 3 4 5 6 – wins.

5. Card Train

Each person has 10-15 cards out of a shuffled deck. Up to 4 players take 15 cards, 5 or 6 take 12, and 7 or 8 take 10. There is a ‘hub slot’ for each player and a card that starts the personal trains. Draw a card and put it in the middle of the hub to start the individual trains. The person to the left of whoever drew the first card for the communal train goes first. This then goes in a clockwise direction. Each person can either add one card to the communal train or they can add to their personal train if the card matches the hub card. If a player doesn’t have a move, they can choose a face down card from the ‘boneyard.’ If they still don’t have a move, they have to take the last card off of their personal train and that train becomes communal. Anyone can add to your personal train until you can add to it, which makes it a personal train again. Whoever runs out of cards first wins. To add to a train, the cards either have to be the same color, suit, face, or number.

week 3 card game ideas

alright so most of my ideas are kind of rough, but here we go

  1. a wizard game where each player focuses on getting cards with spells and building their own custom combination of spells on their wand. Certain spells will counter others, with the goal being to attack other players and be the last wizard standing. There would also be specific defensive spells that can fend off certain spell attacks.
  2. a hoarding type card game, where the goal is to have the own the most junk over other players. Each round players will steal different types of junk from a vault in the center, and having different combinations of junk from the vault will affect other players (such as stealing other players items or destroying them etc). Maybe also have a shop called gorbos junkyard, where players can turn in certain types of junk for better junk
  3. a kingdom resource game, where depending on the kingdom you choose, the rules of the game differ. This could be that each kingdom can only play certain cards, or maybe each kingdom plays fundamentally different
  4. a game that revolves around a magical totem that passes around to each player during their turn. This totem will give you gold the longer it is in your possession, so the goal of the game is to acquire the most gold. In addition there will be cards that enable you to hold onto the totem longer, or prevent others from acquiring the totem
  5. a card game that similar to the price is right, except the item that you win will affect how you play in the upcoming rounds.

week 2 game ideas

1- This one is a loose idea because I don’t know as much as I would like to about astrology, but I think it would be a cool topic to have a card game about. So every player is playing as their zodiac sign, and there are certain cards to pick from for all zodiac signs. When you pick a card each turn, it has a challenge on it based on your zodiac sign and their traits.
2-use a standard deck of cards and give one to each player. you have to pass your card to the person to your right. if you get a lower card than your original, you have to pick another card up (then youd have 2) keep doing this until the deck is gone. whoever has the most cards loses.
3-The cards are standard, except all white (no text) and laminated so you can write on them with expo markers. The players will write a dare, task, or challenge on the card. every turn the players pick a card and have to do what the card says. each player gets 3 chips and a chip is taken away when a dare is refused.
4-This is a variation of idea 3, with the same expo cards, except the players are divided into 2 groups. one group draws an image on a card and the other writes a saying on theirs. the cards are shuffled and, as a group, everyone judges which picture and saying are funniest when combined. Both of these players get a point. establish a winning number of points and when someone reaches it, they win.
5. everyone gets 7 cards. The goal of the game is to get every other card within the same suit. Each turn you pick up a card and the discard one. Your score once someone wins is based on your remaining hand. 10 points for all number card, 20 for face and aces.

Game Ideas 1/28-2/4

Dungeon Crawl

Players would explore a randomly generated dungeon collecting items and fighting enemies to beat the boss and get the treasure. They would be able to find items to help throughout the dungeon. The dungeon would be made of tiles akin to Zombies!!! or Betrayal at House on the Hill. Items would be represented by cards similar to Munchkin or Betrayal.

Competitive City Builder

Players would build medieval cities on a randomized map. They would compete for land and resources and have to defend from threats. City building would be similar to Kingdoms and Castles and resources would be represented by cards.

Zombie Resource Management

Players must defend a base from zombies while also gathering resources to keep themselves alive and better defend their base. Game would end after a goal is met or the players could play until they lose or get bored.

Tarot Game

Players would have five tarot cards in a plus sign in the center of the table that they can manipulate and replace with the cards in their individual hands. Each player would have a unique goal card that would tell them which cards they need in certain positions to win.

Bartender Game

Players draw and collect cards of alcohols and drinks and have to try to combine them to create different mixed drinks in order to score points. The first player to x points wins.

Game Design: Week 1 Homework

Madisyn Kovach

Assignment: 5 game ideas that can utilize social distancing as a mechanic or make it part of the game.

Idea 1: Pop-up Checkers (Over quarantine, my brother and I seemed to always be playing checkers)

Meaning: A 3D virtual board will pop up on your phone and you will still feel like you are with someone playing.

Need: 2 players

Audience: Could go for the younger or older generation

Idea 2: Hey Alexa, Move the Dots (Inspired by Sorry)

Meaning: You will have a normal board with a plug. When you plug in the board, colored digital chips will pop up on the screen. You will need to say things like “Alexa shuffle the cards”, “Alexa pick a card”, or even “Alexa move the blue dot three spaces” (depending on what card you get). The board will be in the shape of an Alexa. Directions will be on the QR code on the back.

Need: 4 players, an Alexa, a phone to download the app

Audience: Younger People/Teens (10-20)

Idea 3: Quarantine (drawing game)

Meaning: While in quarantine, you must draw how you think your friend would redo each room in their house. After a player is done drawing, your drawing will be revealed to you friend. Whatever items are in the same place in both of your drawings will earn you a point.

Need: 2 players, white board/markers, or even could be done on your phone

Audience: 20 and up

Idea 4: Wash Your Hands!

Meaning: Wash your hands is to keep the game fun but not touching anything at the same time. When placing your hand under an electric soap dispenser, it will tell you how many spaces to move. (Maybe the board could plug in so it can show the sink dripping and thats how your spaces will move from point A to point B)

Need: 4-8 players

Audience: 5 and up

Idea 5: One Way

Meaning: Kind of working off of Candyland, you will only be able to move on way on the board. Its a start to finish game.

Need: 4 players and the game

Audience: 5-12 years old

Card Game Ideas

5 card games

War Game

            Every Player gets a deck of cards. The deck is a specific army in history and there are cards that have attack abilities, blocking abilities, and victory abilities. The higher the card the more attack power they have. There are also blocking cards that will help block against the attacks. If you get attacked and you lose, you lose those cards. If you block, you lose the cards you block with. There is a victory card that will grant you automatic victory if you are being attacked. However, there are only 3 victory cards in your entire deck. You can play with multiple people and chose who to attack. If you do not come across a victory card, but want to win, you will have to attack and the opponent and the opponent will have to use all their cards against you and lose.

Color Card Game

            Something with only color-coded cards. Everyone gets 5 cards. You go around and pick up one card and put a black one down. If you only have colored cards, you can put a color down but then you have to discard one too. If you run out of cards, you lose. Majority of the cards are colored black. If a red card comes up and everyone has to put a colored card down. If someone does not have a color card they lose. The rounds continue until one person is left standing.


            You have to match the correct personality traits to their proper zodiac signs. There are 12 zodiac signs and there are a bunch of cards that match up to their zodiac signs. There are two decks, one for the zodiac signs, and one for the traits. The person who has the closest birthday picks the zodiac sign. The object of the game is to have most of the zodiac traits for that particular sign. Everyone gets 7 cards, and you are able to see which sign they belong to. You need to have 12 different traits for the zodiac sign to win. On your turn you can put down as many traits as you want, but you can only pick up one card at a time. You can also trade your cards on your turn. You can select a player and ask to trade as many cards as you want. Since you are trading the other person needs to accept cards from you, and they can decline. If they decline you need to pick up only one card.


            There’s a deck of cards filled with different monsters. Everyone picks up 5 cards, and there’s one person that sits out every round. Everyone puts a card and then the person that sits out shuffles the cards thrown in the pile and then deals them out. If someone gets a Dracula card, they are instantly dead. Then everyone has to figure out who killed the person who died, and if you are accused you must argue your case. The person who sits out put everything to a vote and then that person who is voted out can reveal if they killed the person or not. The game continues until one person is left standing. If you win the round you get a point. The person with the most points wins the game.

Speed Russian Roulette

            Card game where there are images of a gun and there are 10 bullet cards. You sit in a circle and everyone picks up cards as fast as they can when it’s their turn. If you get a bullet card you die. Whoever has the most cards at the end wins. You keep score by counting how many cards you earned, and once you reach 500 you win.