Site Review #2

I decided to review the site, which is promoting a dice game for the iPhone called OneBust.

First, I tested it out when I had two windows of the browser snapped to either side of my screen in OS El Capitan. It showed the game’s logo up top and centered with a “notify me” bar and an image panel that has 3 views. Step 1 states to Roll the die. Step 2 says Lock-In Points with a larger details paragraph explaining what they mean. Step 3 says Win the Daily Championship. At the bottom of the page are links to their respective Facebook and Twitter accounts.

Second, I tested the site out without the browser windows being snapped and just floating on top of each other. The site for OneBust starts out with the logo, “notify me” bar, and two simplistic illustrations of the iPhone with the app being active. As you scroll down the page, the larger of the two iPhones gradually slides to the right over top of the other illustration. Step 1 appears as Roll the die and the iPhone screen fades into the first image of the app that the user would see. Step 1 slides up the page and Step 2 slides into place below the logo, which seems to be stationary and floating above the rest of the content on the web page. Step 2 slides up the page and Step 3 slides into place below the logo with a bold vermilion background showcasing the feature of Win the Daily Championship. This step includes a new image in the iPhone illustration showcasing the screen the user would encounter.

For the color scheme, it is a bold vermilion, white, teal-mint green, a soft beige, and the text seems to be in two shades of grey. This group of colors makes it feel simple, clean, and relaxing with a few bold accents to keep the eyes engaged in the “super-simple-frustratingly-fun” game. The texture is flat, crisp, and smooth.

Navigation is different for how you have the site opened. In the first step I explored the site, I had to click the navigational bubbles to get from step to step. It was a bit slow, but I believe that is due to the wifi connection I had. In the second step of my review, there was a bit of a loading lag for the site to recognize how far I had scrolled, but once it caught up, the navigation was a simple vertical scrolling motion.

I feel the elements of the webpage made it simple and easy to maneuver for any web user. There was little interactive elements, which I feel assisted them greatly in the simplistic message the developers wanted to get across for their app. The page flowed smoothly with plenty of space for each step to showcase in the browser window one at a time.

Personally, I feel the design is executed in a well-developed manner. I like the simplistic style and relaxing color scheme. This seems like an app I would look further into on the app store after seeing it in the app store or online. The illustration is clean and the layout flows with each step and fitting right below the floating logo. I like how the iPhone screen changes for each step or featured element. This is a strong one page website.

I also feel that if the artwork was made to look more 3-Dimensional, the app would not have been showcased as effectively. Even if the color scheme had more pastel colors or consisted of primary colors, the content would not have been as soothing to the eye or as  mature.

–Katie Carlton

Web site review 2

For my website review, I chose the site  This site shows how “social entrepreneurship can unleash the potential of young people”. With their audience being young people i believe that the site did a great job in the color and texture selection.  The theme of the site is space with earth being in the middle of the first page making it seem the most important.  it changes half way through to be like you are coming down from outer space all the way into a house.  all of the colors used in my opinion are good in contrast to the different blue backgrounds that you go through on your way down.  The are meteors and other planets and even the sun that you come across on your way through the space part of the site.  Also, in the earth part of the site, you come across blimps, clouds, and even the house.  All of these things are made to be cartoon like which would intrigue younger kids, but it is also not too kidish that a teenager would be turner off from it.  As a single page site, it uses a top navigation that can take you through the different aspects of the site.  However, this top navigation is not visible when you first get to the site.  The user has to know to scroll down through the site to be able for the navigation to pop up.   There is however an arrow that is pretty prominent on the screen that tells you that you have to scroll down.  In my opinion, I would have the top navigation panel shown at all times so that the user is not confused by it not being there in the beginning.  Also, some of the pictures are shown in these little circles that don’t really fit with the rest of the design, in my opinion.  Some of the pictures are shown in planet or meteor looking shapes, but then the others are just in circles.  I think that they should change them all the one or the other, but having both doesn’t make much sense to me.  In my opinion, the site is pretty easy to navigate besides not having the top navigation shown ate the beginning.  The site has a lot of content, but it is all divided up in small sections that makes it not as intimidating to users to have to read a lot all at once.  Also, the site has so many visuals that relate to the content that they kind of help you through the reading.  They also help to break up the reading as well without adding too much of a distraction to the reader.  Lastly,  I believe that this site, with a few minor adjustments, is a very well thought out and interesting design.  I believe that it is able to keep the attention of a younger reader for a decent length of time due to the spacing out of the text and incorporation of the pictures in amongst them.  Also, I think that since the site is made for younger people and trying to get them involved, it is okay if it doesn’t reach out to adults as much as it does kids.  All in all, this site is a well designed sight with many good features and an interesting layout.


Thoughts on Interaction Design: Chapters 1 & 2

Interaction design is made up of words defining the interaction, visual representation that the user interacts with, the physical aspect, time in which the design develops and changes, and the behavior of the users actions in reaction to the interface of the design.

Some of the industries challenges include finding the problem within the design and making a solution, understanding the wants and needs of the users, and accomplishing their own wants and needs.

Interaction design is a step-by-step process in which designers create appealing interfaces to give the user a better experience. It’s evolving through new technology, emerging science, and the growing demand for new apps, sites, and products. Some examples include 360-degree videos for your phone applications and the production of holographic technology. This draws knowledge from science, visual design, marketing, and engineering fields.


Thoughts on Interaction Design: Chapters 1 & 2 Responses

What makes up interaction design and what are some of the industry’s challenges?

Interaction design is made up of six different phases in completing a project.  It involves defining the design problem or opportunity, discovering hidden wants, needs, and desires, synthesizing, creating, refining, and reflecting.  It is a complex process of attempting to understand users and what they are looking to obtain from the final output.  Challenges to the industry include the complexity in people’s changing wants and desires, changing lifestyles, new technologies, and maximum usability efforts.

What is interaction design, how its evolving. What fields does it draw knowledge from?

Essentially, interaction design is “a creative process focused on people” (pg 20).  Based on how people react to and interact with the world around them, interaction designers design engaging user interfaces intended to offer maximum user satisfaction and usability.  With evolution in technology comes evolution in interaction design.  Changes among people also impact the process in interaction design.  Among other fields, it draws knowledge from marketing, engineering, and distribution.  Marketing is essential to ensure that the brand is both consistent and compelling.  Knowledge and expertise in engineering ensures that a product is functional, which becomes increasingly important in new technology.  Distribution knowledge is critical in moving a product into the market in a way that will make it thrive in a timely and cost-effective way.  In addition, knowing ethnographic information about people and using language to appeal to them will aid interaction designers in successfully completing their tasks.


Website Review #2

Site Review #2

            The site that stood out to me the most on was, which is the personal website of a graphic and web design student named Ariel Beninca. This website appeals to me because of its minimalistic qualities and how clean it is. When you first arrive to the site, your screen is filled with a black and white image with black text. There is no color and everything is very smooth. When you hover over the image, which is of Ariel, she moves around a little. You move through this site by scrolling down, and as you do so, you come across some color.

            As you scroll down the page you see various examples of her work. These are all in color, but she still keeps the modern, clean aesthetic. There is no texture anywhere except in the images. Just as with the picture of herself at the top, each of these wiggles around a little when you hover over them. When you click on one, a box slides down from the top of the screen with some information about the project. Everything is very simple and easy to read, and there is an “x” at the top to close it. You close it and are right where you left off.

            There are other various graphics on the site, such as a few background images, that also do that moving thing when you hover over them.

            There are many design elements that make this site easy to understand and navigate. The sleek design and simple buttons are the main contributor, but it also helps that there is no extra “junk” to clutter the space and be distracting.

            You can scroll through the site from beginning to end without clicking anything. But you are also given the option of clicking a button at the very top of the page that creates a drop down menu of each section you can visit.  As mentioned in “Don’t Make Me Think”, Ariel created a very clear hierarchy and separated the elements appropriately so that it’s easy to understand.

            I think this site’s design is very well done and effective.  I find it very attractive and its simple layout could be used by virtually anyone. There is nothing that requires thought and it is pleasing to look at. Ariel gets her point across as well as proving that she has a definitive style and is excellent at what she does.



Intro to Web Design: Site Review #2

For my second website review, I chose a site by FRAMES, which is a site that houses many different stories. The one I found as my example and subject of review is an excellent single page site for the story “July’s June”

This site makes use of all of it’s space on the page and is navigated by scrolling down right through the story. Something that really caught my eye was the use of textures throughout the site. Many of the background images mend together seamlessly and at times are two images fused together (ex. The first background image behind the title page, where the darkness of the lake water developes into a man’s face at the bottom. This frames the story in a way, because towards the end of the story, there is a woman’s face the mends into a picture of a tree.). Also, all of the images have a depth to them, leading the eye farther into the page (as good example of this is the image of the cabin, ghosts of trees left behind it).

Another use of texture that I found particularly interesting was the handwritten letters throughout the story. These parts stray away from the regular embedded text of the story and in a way give a little bit of nostalgia. Towards the bottom of the page, there is an added wooden frame and leaves flowing into the next section of the story.

This site uses a lot of warm colors (like orange and light purple) as well as cold colors (green and blue) which take cues from the story itself.

When you’re finished with the story, there is a slight pause in the site where the last of the graphics are, and then below there is a small set of credits to those who made the site, and where to contact them. They also made it very easy to navigate back to the top of the page to read again, or to go back to their archives to read something else.

Overall, I think this is an excellent way to make a single page site. Using all of the space that is given is a good way to immerse someone in a story, and having graphics that flow into each other keep the reader focused on the story and make it a pleasant experience for those that visit. The ease of navigating to and from the site make it a prime example in single page design.

Interactive Design: Ch. 3,4,5

  • What information can ethnographic tools give you to improve the interactivity of an online banking website? (pp. 48-54)

Knowing the norms of a certain culture or cultures can help create a more welcoming website, meaning that if the online services look reliable and secure because the designer understood what is accepted from cultures than people are more likely to interact with it and come back to use the services again. It creates a more holistic website experience for the user.

  • At what point is a design finished? What makes it a success? What is its purpose? (pp. 54-62)

I think a design is finished when the designer is happy with what the product has done for people, and that is also when it is considered a success. Even if the product does something the designer did not originally foresee, if the user finds a way to use it effectively then the designer should feel accomplished. The purpose of the design should just be to help something or someone in a positive way.

  • Identify a product family you use regularly (can be anything from technology to consumables except for coffee). How has its branding effected your use, relationship and experience with the product? (pp. 78-84)

I think Apple has influenced the way I look at certain things. When I was looking for a new phone recently I found myself tied to the iPhone because of familiarity. They make all their products so intertwined that when I go out for a new product I think about the connectivity to my current Apple products and how they will tie in. This is why Apple has such a great user experience for me.

Review 2

The single page website I chose to review was called How To Design A Delightful Experience. This website has a simple structure scrolling down the page to each part of the website. The purpose of this web site was to explain how to make a simple design through the three layers of pleasure, flow, and meaning. This website has a few animated designs such as the top of the page having a hand pointing down bouncing up and down. Again, something simple to express the point of this website. There is also a menu button by a hamburger looking design on the top left as you scroll down. When you click on it, it gives you shortcut tabs to the different layers.

What really stands out about this website is the use of color. Each layer has a different color. Pleasure is green because that section seems to be the more important information needed to be known. When I see green, I think of nature and exploring, which makes sense for an attention grabbing color for a web site because you are exploring it. The color white is used throughout the site as well, for the most part in the sections where examples for each layer are shared. Flow has the color pink because pink has an energetic positive feel and the point of flow in design is for being in the zone. It takes motivation to be in the zone and pink is the perfect color to represent that. Blue was the color for meaning because blue has been said to have a calming feel to it and as well as intelligence. As of this point, the designer wants the viewer to feel more intelligent from what they have learned viewing this site. Finally, the bottom of the page has orange because it is an energetic color, and the goal for this web site is to make users learn more about simple design and excited to enhance their knowledge on their own.

This website is a simple design and simple to navigate. The simple downward scroll and the little animated hands express the idea of “simple” for the design. Also, the menu button leading to the shortcut tabs are also useful. Nothing too special with texture, but the use of color is meant to give the feeling for the viewer. I feel that this website is useful for someone who is just starting out in design and want a simple tutorial. This website gives a great philosophy for design through its bread and butter of color. It’s not the most complex looking sight, but it’s a good simple website for educational purposes in my opinion.

“Objectified” Movie Response

The movie “Objectified” was really eye opening for me. Before watching this movie, I did not really think about any of the things tat were talked about in the video. I didn’t think about how every little thing we use everyday has been designed specifically for a purpose and to try and make the use of the object as easy and as comfortable as they can for us. In the movie, on of the designers said, “ It should feel almost undesigned so that people think, ‘Why would you want it any other way?’”. I think this statement is so true about the products we work with everyday. The user would never even think to have it be any other way, but in actuality, there were hundreds or even thousands of other ways made before that one way was chosen. Nobody ever thinks of that part of the process when they are using it, besides the people who actually went through the process of making it. I also agree with the designer who stated that designers have to understand what people need even more than the people do themselves. If this were not true in the designers today, I do not believe that the products made would be successful. If the designers didn’t put as much thought into the products they make I believe that the users would not buy as much of the products because they would think that they could make something better for them then what is available. I know I think like this with some of the products I own because of their poor design. There were many things that some of the designers said that really made me think about how I actually thought of design before the movie. One of the designers said a quote from Henry Ford. The quote stated, Every object tells a story, you just have to know how to read it”. I believe that this can be applied to design and how easy designers make products for their user. Products should be simple so that even the least knowledgable person can figure it out. If a product has a bunch of different parts that have to attach a certain way of can only work ing a certain order and the instructions to use this object aren’t as clear as possible, the user will not be able to use it. In one of my other classes, I learned that a person who has a good experience with a product will usually tell 3-5 people about it. A person who has a bad experience with a product will tell at least nine people about their experience. If this word of mouth spreads far enough, the entire product could go under because no one will buy it. Another thing one of the designers said was that is is a designers job to look into the future, not what has happened, but what will happen. This sentence changed the way I had been thinking about designing. Even since I was little, I had been looking at things and trying to see how i could make it better. Although this is still a way that designers look at products, It is not the complete way that I should have been thinking about designing. I should have been looking to see how I can make a product last. Designers have to be able to make a product be able to stand the test of time and not just end up in a landfill in a few years or even a few months. I believe that this element will be key in our future to be able to minimize our carbon footprint and in making our world and products more eco-friendly. Lastly, each designer gave their own definition of designing. These ranged from everything from a puzzle to honesty. Before this movie, my definition of design was simple. It was the way in which you made a product with the features of additions that would work best for the user. I have drastically changed my definition of design after watching this video, because these designers really know what they are talking about and how to make their designs work for everyone. I believe that my definition of design now would be something like an ongoing and ever-changing process in which designers create products that will be long living, eco-friendly, and functional for the user that gives solutions to even the littlest problems.

“Objectified” Response

I believe that the designers being interviewed in Objectified all made great points about design, and they each had their own way that they viewed it. Some of those points were how people make quick assumptions about a product without even thinking about it and how you should create an environment for the user to feel good in and experience. One quote that really stuck with me from the film was, “Every object tells a story if you know how to read it,” by Henry Ford. I think this gives a deeper meaning to what you’re designing and how to view a designer’s role. They talked about designers making disposable things but also making a lasting design. This is something that peaked my interest; by having your design stand the test of time and not end up in a landfill would be my design goal. Good design should understand people and their needs, and sometimes that involves making objects for people in extreme cases, “The middle will take care of itself,” said Dan Formosa. Good design should be innovative, aesthetic, honest, unobtrusive, long-lived, consistent in every detail, environmentally friendly, good design is as little design as possible. Mr. Dieter Rams explains all these aspects of good design and gives a great example show casing them, Apple. Apple completes those goals and takes on mass production while taking their design seriously and producing innovative products. Jonathan Ive, from Apple, also mentioned that the character you give your design shows who could have designed it. As designers you’re constantly designing and questioning other designs and what you could do to improve them. They also explain how the product shouldn’t have useless functions and if it does, remove them. This takes on having one thing doing the job of several, making it practical. I also agreed on how they defined modern design on being formal, symbolic, but also contextual. Good design is also a search for form, and designing for human behavior. They also mention ergonomics, which I believe really brings out good design by making things for people that can be easily used and perform safely. Good design is something that you want and distinguishes you. This film has changed my perspective on design in many ways including making design lasting, symbolic, and recyclable. I would define design as a way to give something character, functionality, unity, and purpose in our everyday life.

“Objectified” Response

Objectified presents a number of intriguing ways of looking at design as a whole and the thought that goes behind it, as told by a variety of designers themselves.  It highlights a number of simple truths about the way the world around us is constructed and why it was constructed in that way.  One designer points out that people generally do not consider the fact that everyday objects such as Post-It Notes were designed by someone.  When one realizes this, it becomes fascinating to consider the thought behind objects that are not necessarily considered by many to be significant triumphs in design.  Perhaps such objects that are not thought of in this way truly are the greatest triumphs, for their designs simply seem natural.

By examining the way people behave, designers can best judge the ways to reach them in terms of their design needs.  I agree with what one designer had to say about the design process: essentially, tending to both extremes in people will cover the majority who fall somewhere between those two extremes.  Grouping people into categories based on their need-level ensures that everyone’s needs have been considered and addressed.  I also agree with treating design as ways to improve daily life.  Design is a complex process of trial and error that is seemingly never finished because perfecting the process takes time, especially as the definition of what is “perfect” evolves.

The idea that if a component of a design is not necessary, it should not be there changed the way I view design.  Although this perhaps seems obvious, I realized that my own designs could have been improved by incorporating only what was essential and had an assigned purpose.  Understanding what was referred to in the documentary as “design hierarchy” aids in deliberate and thoughtful design, rather than design that cannot necessarily be explained because not every component is essential.

Many of the designers discussed the importance of an understanding of how and why people behave the ways that they do even more than they themselves do in crafting a successful design.  This awareness of natural instincts and basic behaviors ultimately provides the foundation for design.  As a designer, one wants to be able to predict how people will react and adjust to different factors based on how they have dealt with previous ones.  Creating parallels between other interactions people have with their surroundings and everyday objects and the experience with a new design ultimately allows for a smoother result.

Ultimately, design is the thoughtful craft of creating something with a designated purpose.  In the case of specifically interaction design, it is imperative to design with people in mind, and people must be conscious of the way that something has been designed and know that a poor design is to blame for problems in interacting with it, rather than the people themselves.  Designers must find the best ways to reach and serve people; it is a crucial part of the design process.  This definition has changed in that I now fully realize the designer’s accountability for how his or her design is perceived by others.  Poor design does not help anyone, but everyone has the potential to be impacted by good design, which is why the better something has been designed, the less bumps along the way in life.

Chapters 1-2 Response:

I believe that Interaction Design is the practice of designing interactive digital products, environments, systems, and services. It is mainly the creative process and thoughts of people. Just like many other design fields, interaction design also has an interest in form, however its main focus is mainly on behavior. It is imagining things as they might be rather than focusing on how things are and work. That explains the difference between interaction design as being a design field rather than a science or engineering field.  Some challenges I believe would be to know exactly what your mission is. You must come up with something that is user friendly and easy to communicate to that user. You must figure out what exactly you should provide for the user and how it should work and feel. I believe that interaction design comes from science and engineering as I mentioned earlier. There is a reason why this is a design field rather than a science or engineering, however I believe it draws a lot of knowledge from those fields as well.




Thoughts: Chapter 1 & 2

What makes up interaction design and what are some of the industry’s challenges?

Interaction design is made up of many things. Companies designing objects for consumer use, artists making an object’s interface more appealing, a designer making an object more approachable. All of these can be examples of interaction design.  There are many challenges facing the industry. One of which is designers figuring out what the user wants and needs. These wants and needs change fast and it can be difficult to keep up.

What is interaction design, how it is evolving. What fields does it draw knowledge from?

In a general sense, it is the way an object is used by the user. It’s objective is to make the consumer’s life easier while still being appealing to the eye. It is the creation of a dialogue between a person and a product. It evolves with the desires of its users. It can draw knowledge from many fields, from art to science and technology. Anything to make a product easier to use and more appealing.

Reading Response ch 1 & 2

Interaction design is the mix of industrial design, engineering psychology, business strategy, and art. Some problems that face interaction designers include, different types of people needing different things, the merging of look with function and user experience, the latter can be difficult for those who go to school for a degree in fine arts. Another problem is the outsourcing of industrial designers to cheaper workers who are just as qualified but will get a product to market for less. Innovation in the relatively new field of software design is a key part of the new interaction designer, and an importance on user experience will decide whether a software is successful. Another part of interaction design is the physiological aspect, trying to shape what people do and how they think, or don’t think about their actions.

Thoughts on Interaction Design ch1-2

1.What makes up interaction design and what are some of the industry challenges?

On page 31, Kolko describes interaction design,”Divergent and convergent thinking requires a mixture of analytical skills (logic, engineering, and the development of “appropriate solutions”) and creative skills (drawing, mapping, “blue sky thinking”). This mixture is a rare but required duality that must exist in a successful designer. … The constraints placed on the design are a mix of human, technical, and aesthetic boundaries. The difficulty lies in discerning the hidden constraints, which the process itself helps uncover, and balancing these with the more explicit constraints, often defined by a client or business executive. … A common misconception is that formal methods can only be used with very well- established ideas.” Interaction design is made up of “innovated new ideas and challenging traditional ways of considering a product and doing business.”(30-31).

2.What is interaction design, how its evolving, what fields does it draw knowledge from?

“Interaction Design is the creation of a dialogue between a person and a product, service, or system. This dialogue is usually nearly invisible and found in the minutiae of daily life — the way someone may hold his knife and fork while cutting into a steak or the way another person may automatically switch windows to check her Facebook wall every few minutes or so. Structuring this form of ethereal dialogue is difficult, as it occurs in a fourth dimension- over time. To design for behavior requires an understanding of the fluidity of natural dialogue, which is both for reactionary and anticipatory at the same time.” (13). Interaction Design is evolving as people change their needs and expectations of a product or service. It draws knowledge from what has already been done and what needs to be improved or ways to make life easier.