A. Strategies for My Game:
A1. My Preferred Mechanics: Winning/Losing Conditions, Spinning, Rolling (Dice for Luck), Turning-over (uncovering face-down decks), Moving (forward & backward), and Puzzling (info matching).
A2. Game Targets: Role-Play Collaborators (Enemies and Allies), Group Solutions Multiplayers
A3. Possible Game Analyst(s): Sentry Media Club Members who enjoy almost any type of game challenge.
B. Game Perspectives:
B1. The Easiest Game to Start with (free of instructions): My Tom (Mobile Game) has the smoothest playable experience because it is a causal form of the game and also it is just about the simple strategic gameplay of taking care of him (Tom). He can grow at any level which indicates his physical growth (even though it is mostly invisible), he also has birthdays.
B2. Own Thoughts of a Game: The game is a playable asset that contains logical approaches and usually renewable background stories that keep players to be engaged and oftentimes free of boredom and tiredness.
B3. Understandable and Sensible Game Approaches: Create Illustrations (sketching some imperfect figures, objects, & optional backgrounds) for the ideas of my own game in my sketchbook (especially if some ideas are card games or possibly boardgames); think like an imaginative narrator towards my hobbies and unforgettable experiences in my past life events (Ex: I love ice-skating, initiative volunteering for other organizations, and I rode skateboarding in my childhood, and I enjoy playing adventurous games and rhythmic entertainment like Beatstar). It is a bonus point if I could create some storyboards to aid my thinking of how to construct the game which acts like a narrative film to appeal to an audience with some interesting moments. Thinking about how I achieve the goal and with what kinds of strategies and how I can display my creative decision on encountered issues to engage others? In other words, fictionalizing your life narration into the crafts that the audience can discover by gaming.
C. Gateway Game Structures:
C1. Top Gateway Game: I don’t have any favorites for the gateway game (I am a video gamer informally), however during the first 5 weeks when I play with others socializing games (during class), I am more towards some games that have the mechanics of moving forward & backward, building puzzles and simple adventurous strategies.
C2. Characteristics of Gateway Game: Gateway games are multiplayer gameplay that involves competitions between players or collaborative players. This kind of physical game is casual playing that covers tons of strategies and usually takes extensive time to get results of winning and losing outcomes.
D. Ten Beautiful Mechanics & Which/How They Could Suit My Game Pieces :
Top 10 (Source: mobilefreetoday): Tapping, Stacking, Turning, Dexterity, Rising/Falling, Swerving, Merging, Idle, Growing, Puzzling.
Possible Fitting Movements for Prototypes: Tap Mechanics come up with unexpected outcomes for any player’s action input which is suitable for role-playing survival games in simple structures like my playable wireframe of Compass 4 Survivalist because it requires both players to spin seeing the situation they are in at. Stacking Mechanics could be applied to card games since it requires amounts of each card to achieve successful outcomes. Turning Mechanics is oftentimes used in Boardgame because it requires the four directions of game piece roaming, examples including treasure hunting games. Merging Mechanics is best used in graphics and words puzzle since some of the alphabet or graphics can match specific requirements of the game rules.
E. Matters of Luck & Strategy:
Even though the playable game should have some paths that players can take to get successful outcomes and rewards to encourage them to keep up the pace and feedback to them about each decision players will take whether it is the win or lost fate, some settings need to contain unexpectedness and invisibility to challenge players and force them to come up with solutions which can eliminate their opportunity to overcome the hardships of the upcoming barriers — the established luck which players won’t be seen and controlled is the keystone of a game.