Creating the poster by collecting design elements like alphabets and graphics to sculpt the poster
2. Materials Needs and DEFINITIONS (Possible Gameplay Items):
Required Ad Descriptions & Characteristics (for Structured Elements for Each Banner/Poster): radio podcast, fun festival, cheerful concert, charity event (walk, run, celebrate for a great cause).
Alphabets & Graphics (including needed elements for ad and possible resistant circumstances): A-Z letters (a to z), icons (optional vocabulary), and possible incidents (left-right fan crowds, rainfalls, furious wind) in the sculpted white circles.
Square Blocks: 7oranges for energy (whether being blown by weather or completely blank paper by series of crowds Interruptions), 7 light greens for layers of protection, and 7 blues for chances (after the first round of energy or runout of protections, you have 6 chances). Hint: Gaining each energy back (from missed) if you collect each icon or completely formed word as instructed by Required Ad Descriptions & Characteristics. Remember: The blue blocks will be taken out by protection and energy each time you want to refuel your energy and refill the shield (layers of protection).
3. Setup:
The player(s) will have a card(s) to instruct which items (letters and signs) they need to be collected for successful fulfillment in terms of contents in an ad (as shown in Required Ad Descriptions & Characteristics) and use protections to deal with the weather.
When the single player gets all the items to match the directions or multiplayer who gets the most items in percentage (%) from Required Ad Descriptions & Characteristics?
I really like the idea of a game omitting the structure of a board and leaving it up to a vague interpretation of what an ad is and what those requirements are to fulfill the brief. I’d love to try it out!
This game is inspired by a real event this summer called Picklesburgh where I create a graphic for a local famous podcast — Yajogoff.com (a subdivision of Q929fm.com) and I am also a User Design Strategist seasonal intern at Open Up Pittsburgh (https://www.openuppittsburgh.com/).
I really enjoyed the concept for the game. I think it’s fun to build silly advertisements. I think it might be better to have full words on the chips instead of the letters to spell the words. I didn’t quite understand that I was supposed to spell out the word at first. I think also requiring more icons to finish an ad would make the game a bit more challenging. I also felt like our turns were too long because there was no interaction between the players of the game. I was only absolutely competing with them, so I lost interest when it wasn’t my turn. I think this game has a ton of potential though!
Playtest for – RUSH 4 AMBASSADOR (Ben)
Tester – Delaney
What was the most frustrating moment or aspect of what you just played?
– Needing to find all the individual letters to create an entire word
– There was some slight confusion about the rules, (but once we started playing was fairly easy to understand)
Was there anything you wanted to do but couldn’t?
– Steal tiles ?
– Do more with the tiles (it got repetitive just flipping and grabbing repeatedly)
If you had a magic wand to wave, and you could change, add, or remove anything from the experience, what would it be?
– Maybe either have the tokens include actual words (like used in a phrase) or just images
– Find a way to balance out the difficulty of collecting the images with the words, it was far easier to find images
How has the experience changed since the first play test?
Is this a game you would play again? Why?
Yes, the concept is interesting, but it needs a little development in my opinion.