Carcassonne Review

Carcassonne Review

My initial opinion of this game upon playing it was daunting, after being brain fried and tired and I wasn’t prepared for a high intensity strategic game. Fortunately for myself, Carcassonne is the perfect balance where it require strategy and attention with multiple interconnected parts, but with an ease of catching on. After the first half of the semester and playing various games, I have developed an appreciation for games that are complex in parts but can be learned just by starting and seeing where it goes.
The building of the board game was my favorite component, as I’m sure it is with most other players. This dynamic took something that would have been simple and redundant and allowed the user to interact and call the shots- allowing each game to be different and cause different outcomes.
Taking a step back, I really appreciated the rule set, specifically the pictorial references to show exactly what it meant. This is an aspect I’d like to include in my game (if its complicated or hard to describe with strictly words).