Week 4 – Game Design

Building Game Ideas

  1. Royal Garden – Tile building game
    Compete with other players to build the most beautifully structured and floral garden for the King and Queen.
  2. Animal House- Tile building game
    Work cooperatively with players to build a suitable home for your adopted pets.
  3. Bulk Up – Deck building game
    You’re a squirrel preparing for winter by bulking up and stashing food. In this game, you do not play nice. The squirrel with the most nuts wins.
  4. Career Builder – Deck building game
    Everyone has to start somewhere. Gain experience cards to level up your character. Trade experience cards, resources, and education cards for job cards worth more points. The player with the most points wins.
  5. Burrowing Fox – Tile building game
    You play a Papa or Mama fox burrowing your new home for your family. Add tiles to extend your burrow and add much-needed resources for more points. Protect your fox from pretenders with repellent cards.

Game Reviews

NanoBot is a tile building science fiction game set in a petri dish. Each player has a bot with its own special skill that must be used to form the longest chain of NanoBots. Although the theme is unique, I did not feel like it was as immersive as Pandemic or other story filled games. The rulebook was slightly cluttered and could have been simplified. I did enjoy the reaction cards which spiced up the gameplay and made it more competitive.

Carcassonne is another tile-placing game but players are adding tile to build out a Medevil territory. The different tiles must connect with cities, roads, or grasslands, and players must decide to put down a corresponding knight, a robber,  monk, or a farmer. When an area is complete, it scores points for that player. The rulebook was rather confusing and our group sought further instructions online. The basic principles seemed easy, set down tiles and try to get the most points. I believe our group might have been a bit hasty with our few wooden characters so the game got pretty boring when we were just laying down tiles at the end. I think the puzzle-like form was the most intriguing part of the game.