Chapter 3,4,5 reading responses

  • What information can ethnographic tools give you to improve the interactivity of an online banking website? (pp. 48-54)

The different types of diagrams can help give information to improve interactivity of a banking website. An ecosystem diagram (pg 48) gives user engagement points. It illustrates the various system touch points, and can give the banking site information on how to structure things. It will show them how the user will interact with their site and find them. This is valuable information and can help improve the relationships between users and the their interaction choices. A journey map (pg 50) actually describes the sequences the users take as they go through the different touch points. This is used to hypothesize how this site will be found, navigated, and learned. This can help the site focus on how intuitive they need to make the site, where to place the site, and the process that users go through. It can help with best case-scenario steps, or focus on failures and deviant paths to help make the site more interactive. This can help direct users to the right place.

  • At what point is a design finished? What makes it a success? What is its purpose? (pp. 54-62)

A factor of success in design is the relation from form to function. Can you convince users that the form you created is what it is supposed to look like? If form does not relate to function anymore, how can you relate form to emotional and social qualities? These are important questions to answer in design. (pg 56). The proper understanding and use of signification also plays a role in success (pg 56). Design can have a lasting and substantial effect on the world. Every design decision matters. (pg 57). Visual form is one of the most basic methods to be successful. The purpose of design is to improve all aspects of human life. (pg 60). Design has many stages, but is finished when it begins influencing the outside world. In a sense though, it can never be finished if the design has longstanding effects on the world.


  • Identify a product family you use regularly (can be anything from technology to consumables except for coffee). How has its branding effected your use, relationship and experience with the product? (pp. 78-84)

Labtops: The branding, particularly by apple, has affected my relationship and use of the product. Apple markets with a lot of integrity and attention to detail (pg 79-82). They focus on the most minute details and have created a strong trust between their products and consumers. This affects how I view my labtop, and enhances the experience of using it. I feel very mindful when using it, there is no unnecessary clutter or details. Everything is very sleek, professional and virtually perfect, which in turn makes the experience a very smooth feeling to it. Using my Macbook for designing makes me feel more professional. This is because of their marketing and design choices. Apple pays attention to the concept that consumers will pay the premium price for the premium experience (pg 82). I did not really enjoy the price, but the experience definitely is worth the price and then some. It creates a poetic interaction, which keeps bringing me into their products (pg 83).