When designing a website is it key to have clear, simple, and consistent navigation. The user looks for tabs and navigation the way one uses the hanging signs in a grocery or hardware store to find their way to what they are searching for. The more obvious the signs are the better. The ability to easily navigate ones way through a website will hold regard to how successful it is. From a designers point of view you want to avoid frustrating the user, once frustrated you have lost them and there for your site serves them no purpose. The use of balance, unity, emphasis and a good layout are key elements to create a successful website. Two sites I examined for use of these elements were Burgatoybar.com and Frantoary.com. Both sites exemplified use of these elements however I found Burgatory’s site to be more functional then Franktuary’s site.
Burgatory’s site being the more successful of the two is where we will start. The site its self is very interactive and has a lot of information displayed in a very organized and easy to navigate arrangement. The fundamental rule to follow is to have repetition with the site ID on every page the site may take you. This should remain consistent with the navigation. Both the Burgatory logo and site ID within the navigation function as home buttons and also remain stationary through out the sites navigation. The logo is set in the upper left hand corner and the navigation opposite of that. There is the use of balance and unity. They also both act as a means to get back to the home page, which is very critical if the user begins to feel lost. When exploring the navigation bar, first you have five initial tabs, taking you to their menu, products and other obvious reason you might by at the site. The most complicated the site navigation bar gets is the ten secondary links under the “hungry” tab, which take you to each section of their menu. The user may get stuck inside the menus tabs but not lost, never once will they think they are at a new page or not know how to move forward on the site. All elements mentioned are utilized in this site, balance, unity, emphases and a good layout. Which awards it the more successful. Now lets look at why Franktuary’s website and why it was not as successful in it execution of design.
Frantuary’s site is quite simple at first glance, I would argue that Burgatoy’s site is a bit more to take in but it is still much easier to navigate. At first glance, you notice the navigation bar that is placed obviously at the top of the page with the Frantuary logo right bellow. Both are thoughtfully placed and also functional. There is a sense of balance since both are conveniently placed at the top of the page where the eye tends to lazily rest itself. However once a location is chosen a second navigation bar is displayed in the body of the content. Which can cause confusion with the user. I feel it offers more distracting purpose then functional, something I would personally leave out. The second aspect I found to be misleading and confusing was the photo page. Once the viewer had checked out all previous tabs they are now at the photo tab. Once this tab is selected they are presented thumbnail pictures of dishes Frantuary offers. On one occasion of one of these thumbnail images being selected, it takes the user to their instagram page. This is where the user can get lost and move on. So much for the prospective diner booking a reservation they are now at Burgatory’s site buying a gift card. The only redeeming quality of this site to over come this is that fact that has a search bar. The “all mighty” search bar is a key element which allows the user the power to take the site where they want to go with out any noise.
After reading the assigned section, I can see how both sites unitize the fundamentals of successful navigation. I personally feel that Burgatory executed their layout in a much more efficient manor with a lot more information.