The way the game will work is people will take turns rolling a die and going aorund the board at the end of the round you decide how much money you would like to put into the pot

At the end of each round, you will spin the wheel where you are at on the board determines where you are at on the wheel.

There are different colored spots on the board were if no one wins the round it will go into a separate pot but the money you put in gets doubled you don’t get to keep the entire pot

you are not allowed to go all in till at least everyone has made one lap around the board I am making this rule so that people can’t just end the game without giving it a chance to develop

Game Review week 4 Owen Cable


I enjoyed this game but also, I didn’t really like it because some of the ways the game could have been played and it took us a little while to understand the game

Once we started playing the game I enjoyed it but i still was a little confused about the shadow over casting over the small trees and the fact that the game could have gotten harder didn’t sound right to me the game wasn’t that easy to begin with to understand.

Fluxx questions

Was the game fun?

Fluxx can be fun if the rules don’t get messed up almost immediately

Would you play it again?

yes I would play it again because I still need to finish a game of fluxx

How long did it take to learn

Flux didn’t take me that long to learn it took me longer to understand what a majority of the cards did

what was the interactive aspect and what was it ?

the interactive aspect is talking to the people at your table and deciding do I want to mess up the entire game with a rule that will make a big inconvenience

Week 1 questions Owen Cable

In your opinion what should every game have? Why do you like your favorite game

I believe that every game should have a story or an adventure aspect or a competitive aspect I have been playing a lot of Elden ring and College football 25 and Fortnite are the main games I have been into lately but my all time favorite game has to be ark because it has a good story and the maps are well made and there is so much to do.

List games you are playing currently

I am currently playing Fortnite College football 25 and Elden ring which is angering me at the moment.

Can you apply the 3-act structure to your favorite game? What is its pacing and how long do you find yourself in ach act

i feel like each act should take a decent amount of time for a good game but would go faster if you did them in groups you could split up the acts or work on them together

When coming up with ideas where do you start.

I always start with the design aspect then i will go onto the rules the prep phase

Over the course of this semester who would you like to collaborate with

This semester I would like to collaborate with Gideon, Evan, Carson and Braden

4D Final

For my Final I decided to make a self portrait interpretation out of plastic straws and to turn it into a stop motion animation then I took it outside and used the light from the sun to see the light go through the straws and I used Jenga Blocks as a outline for a picture frame.

Shadow Projection

I wanted to use to different perspectives with the shadows I wanted to use first person then I wanted to use 2d. My thought process was trying and make it kind of like duck hunt. It was difficult trying to move my flashlight and to make it look like the first person was looking back and forth while trying to lower the objects I would like to work more on this to try and fix some of the shadows.