ARTM4090 Portfolio

Course Description

ARTM3120 Design Studio II, or ARTM4350 Commercial Photography II; 
and COSK2220 Public Speaking and Persuasion

Students concentrate on the refinement of the job-seeking portfolio by rethinking or re-doing work from previous classes. A mock portfolio miniature is produced which leads to the final presentation piece which is then presented at the end of the course. Examples of other designer’s presentations will be discussed and critiqued and members of the design profession will share expertise and views on the subject. Development of resumes, cover letters, and self-presentation will also be topics covered on this important final stage of the visual communications track. This work produced adds significantly towards providing the essential credentials required to obtaining employment in the field or continuing further study at the Masters level. Each student will exhibit an end of course show, which will be held in the gallery. It will be open to the public and form part of continuous feedback to high schools and employers. The organization and presentation within the area or space provided will be the prime responsibility of the student, with advice and guidance from the faculty.


ARTM0400 Professional Practices Seminar


  1. Help prepare you to make the transition from student to job seeking professional;
  2. Gain understanding about entry level expectations;
  3. Review your former work and make it representative of your current design abilities;
  4. Develop promotional materials for presentation;
  5. Develop confidence in presenting work;
  6. Continued development of design vocabulary;

Course Outcomes

On successful completion of this course, students will:

  1. Have an organized presentation of their best design work to use for job interviews, grad school applications and client presentations;
  2. Be capable of answering interview questions about their portfolio of work and the processes used to create it;
  3. Have a professional “traditional” resume;
  4. Have a “electronic resume” / promotional piece which can serve as a leave-behind in printed form or as an email piece as a PDF.

Required Materials

  • Sketchbook
  • Hard-drive or cloud storage for saving projects
  • Thumb Drive for storing portfolio (you might want two as you’ll need to leave this with your professor for review, plus having a backup is always a good idea)
  • A Domain name and host for your online portfolio
  • Burn Your Portfolio: Stuff they don’t teach you in design school, but should 2014 by Michael Janda ISBN-10: 9780321918680
  • Show Your Work! 2014 by Austin Kleon ISBN-10: 9780761178972

Note: you will be required to shoot your work, camera’s can be checked out, and the light studio reserved. Just email Patty to setup time to pick up equipment or use the lighting studio.

Projects 65%

  • Artist / Design Statement 10%
  • Resume : Online, PDF and Printed 10%
  • Promotional Materials : Logo, business cards, leave-behinds 5%
  • Processes Book : PDF & Printed 10%
  • Physical Portfolio : PDF & printed versions 10%
  • Digital Portfolio : website 10%
  • Assessment Portfolio : PDF 10%
  • Senior Exhibition 10%
    • See schedule for install dates

Portfolio Presentations 20%

  • 5 Image Presentation 5%
  • Pecha Kutcha – 10 slides 5%
  • Portfolio Presentation to Faculty 10%

Critique and Participation 15%

Critiques play a crucial role in creative practice. Group and individual meetings take place throughout the semester. Students encounter numerous situations where it becomes necessary to evaluate, work and rework projects in order to achieve the highest possible standards. Verbal and written skills are important, students are required to explain and write about their design decisions in front of the instructor, clients, and peers.

All projects and exercises are due at the beginning of the class for which the critique is assigned.

Critiques and class discussions, will become helpful tools only through your participation.