What makes a good game?

First, you have to get the magic circle (everything within) to make sense to all the players. The magic circle is a place of fantasy and dreams and an escape from everyday life. The most important aspect of the theory is that the experience you have with fantasy and games still comes with you to the real world. Inside the magic circle is dedicated to performance and then an end, and only works if everyone agrees on the rules. So, to sum it up, rules that make sense with the game and to the players is one aspect of a good game. You have to get people to agree with these magic worlds and take something away from it after. Then you have to take into account the 3 acts of gameplay/making.
First act: sets the stage for conflict. Helps players understand the rules and enter act 2 with confidence
Act two: players will begin to struggle and fight for victory. Players are actively opposing each other or the game itself. excitement arises from not knowing who’s going to win.
Act three: when players begin to push for victory. Players will begin to realise who has the upper hand. This is from the actions in act two.
You want the players to not only get through all 3 acts, but be excited while doing it. In games, a mechanic is whatever allows the game to play out and function.
Mechanics are abstract means to play, but not the motivation to play them. All of the mechanics must make sense and not leave players wondering how any part of the game works. These rules must be clear for everyone in the age-range of your game. You should be able to describe your game in one sentence, and at very most three.
1.game name and category of game
2. What are the players doing and by using what tools
Including both strategy and luck into your game is also a sure way to keep players interested and make your game more enticing for new players. In addition, there must be a clear objective for the game, that is, the players must openly know what they’re aiming for and what path it takes to get there. Though it might be obvious, games must have constraints (rules) so that there isn’t chaos and free-gameplay. These constraints are key to making a game competitive and fun. Depending on the game, convincing storylines/characters are also important for the game to make sense.