Final Project

Create a responsive framework for a multi-page portfolio site. This portfolio should contain your best experiments, zen gardens, and at least 10 works from your other media arts classes.

Create a brand and identity for your portfolio site. Design a masthead which will stay consistent from page to page that contains navigation and branding elements, then create a responsive grid system that will allow for a variety of different shapes and sizes of content (digital works, process, videos, photo essays, artist/ design statements, resume), that will work on computer screens, tablets and smart phones.

Technical Requirements

This project should utilize all of your skills developed through challenges and experiments. Should have a minimum of 15 pages, utilize 4 templates, at least 3 style sheets, 1 form and 1 jQuery plugin.

Or create a WordPress Theme that includes at least 4 php pages (you might need more), 3 style sheets, and bootstrap.

Process Requirements

  • Research – collect sample sites and examples of design that inspire
  • Brainstorm & sketch – generate ideas on paper first – these should be included in your portfolio on a process page
  • Comp design ideas for screen, tablet & smart phones – this can be done using photoshop, illustrator, fireworks, or jump straight into HTML & CSS
  • Create templates – create four templates to be used throughout your massive multi-page site
  • Build working prototype – a working prototype should include at least 10 pages with content – working links should be indicated through their style
  • Keep a timesheet and record the hours you put into the above


WordPress resources